Chronic Anxiety Disorder Dose Not Have To Threaten You Play Mind Games It Hates It!

By Deborah Percy

Chronic anxiety disorder very familiar words, but are you really a victims or you think you are? Below you will find a short list of symptoms that relate to this disorder. And I will throw in a brilliant little mind trick to help you through the day

Symptoms almost on a daily bases for chronic anxiety disorder victims!

* Tight chest

* Dry mouth..

* Tingling sensations in limbs.

* Fast hard heart beat.

* Feeling dizzy.


* Knotted stomach.

* Trembles.

That is just a short list of symptoms of chronic anxiety disorder!

It seems every where you look these days there is so many out dated remedies for treating Chronic anxiety disorder. It is beyond me how any one is suppose to fix attacks when all the treatment Doctors usually give you just cover up the symptoms.

When we complain about panic in our lives we get told to do the things listed below.

* Think happy thoughts.

* Blow in a paper bag.

* Slow your breathing down.

Come on we both know this will not fix the problem. There is a real solution you can use to cure panic and anxiety attack, i would like to share it with you, it is a technique that allows you to stay in control when a situation occurs. Just to give you a little something now, try this exercise. The method used has had an amazing amount of success. I have used this technique my self, and i can personally say it does works. This is not just a quick fix, it is also a long term solution as well.

Self help will cure chronic anxiety disorder!

You will be surprised with the results, it is very simple to apply, and only takes seconds to put into practice, you can do this all in your head, no one will even no your are doing it.

Physiological Tricks to beat symptoms of chronic anxiety disorder!

When you feel the onset of a panic and anxiety attack, following this method.

* You need to give the attack a time frame, in this case no more then 20 seconds to come do its bit and then stop the threat.

* Be prepared to let your heart beat fast, sweat and what other side affect your attack usually gives you, it will not kill you Let it know it only has 20 seconds, tell it your way to busy to waste time with it.

* Ask the attack to get on with it, you have only given it a short time to finish its threat.

* You are allowing 20 seconds for it to fully manifest, but not a second more.

Getting the picture here, you are not trying to stop the attack, but now you are taking control on how long it threatens you. Practice this technique when you feel the onset of a panic attack, but give it less time to manifest each time it visits. Getting control back is all it takes to beat panic and anxiety attack.

Its really that simple, do not let chronic anxiety disorder prevent you from living a normal life!.

About the Author: So my friend, you can beat chronic anxiety disorder, just follow through to my site

, there i can give you the rest of the information you need for a comple cure.Don’t waste precious time life’s way to short.


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