If You’ve Been Injured In An Accident, Talk To An Auto Accident Attorney In Bremerton

November, 2014 byAlma Abell

Some people say that it’s as if time stands still during an auto accident. To others, everything seems to happen in an instant. It doesn’t really matter which perception is true, the end result is the same. Life may have been changed forever.

Neck injuries are very common, especially whiplash. More serious neck injuries also occur, such as injured discs. Performing daily activities may be difficult.


Concussions are frequently experienced by those who have been in an auto accident, ranging from mild to traumatic brain injuries. There may be no outward sign of the injury. Traumatic brain injury is a term that is applied to a wide variety of symptoms. The patient may never be capable of any sort of normal life again. This is one of the most difficult injuries for victims and families to deal with.

In an accident, there is probably no part of the car which cannot cause a serious and/or disfiguring injury. Glass, steel and hard plastic can cause injuries to any part of the body, but especially to the face. When someone is lucky, they will only receive cuts and bruises. However, receiving severe disfigurement and scars is just as possible.

Dental issues occur frequently in accidents, such as lost or damaged teeth. Damage to the jaw may result in TMJ (Temporomandibular disorders of the jaw), a painful and difficult to cure condition.

After an accident, some people have psychological repercussions. These may be temporary reactions to the accident or become permanent.Accidents cannot be prevented, but it is possible to lessen the severity of some injuries.

  • Wear a seat belt and wear it properly (low on the hips and across the center of the chest). Make sure children are properly secured.
  • Drive a safe car that has properly functioning safety equipment. A little research before buying a vehicle can literally be life-saving.
  • Be a safe driver and drive defensively. Obey traffic laws.
  • If an accident is about to happen, stay calm and do your best to avoid or lessen the impact.

Anthony Otto is an Auto Accident Attorney in Bremerton who has over 34 years of legal experience, 24 years fighting for the rights of injured people. Browse his website to learn more about the services he provides or to schedule a free consultation with this experienced Auto Accident Attorney in Bremerton.

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