Growing Medical Fields: Vaginal Rejuvenation

Submitted by: Lisa Ortega

For many women, the decision to take charge of their health and their sexuality is becoming easier to do. Within the growing field of cosmetic and plastic surgery are treatment options for women who wish to alter the structure of their vagina to help with such symptoms as incontinence, unsatisfactory sex, and other issues related to mental or emotional distress. With the growing trend of vaginal surgery, women can now find a means to live more comfortable and satisfactory lives.

Vaginal rejuvenation is a surgical treatment which generally uses the aide of lasers which help to alter the structure of the lower pelvic region. Any alteration can be discussed with a plastic surgeon prior to decide on the type of changes that the patient may be seeking. Certain changes help to alleviate issues related to incontinence by strengthening the muscles in the lower pelvic region, bringing them tighter together in some ways so that the body is better able to handle muscle control. Vaginal rejuvenation is also a great way to spice up an unsatisfactory sex life. The cause may be related to relaxed vaginal muscles and structure post childbirth or the structure of the vagina altogether regardless of whether the patient has had children. Mental or emotional distress caused by discomfort with the appearance of one s vaginal structure is also something that this procedure may help with. It is important to note that a plastic surgeon can discuss available options with the patient to make sure that they are 100% informed of their treatment options.


As with any and all surgical procedures, there are benefits and risks associated which need to be thoroughly discussed and understood prior to any treatment taking place. It is always a good idea to research your options before seeing a cosmetic surgeon, that way you have an idea of what you are looking for before you even step foot in the office. It is always a good idea to ask plenty of questions to make sure that you are familiar with the treatment procedure from start to finish. Also, trusting the plastic surgeon that is treating you is a huge part of the process. Finding a cosmetic surgeon that you can trust and whom you feel comfortable speaking with is a great way to start a positive and healthy transformation. It is always a good idea to learn about the surgeon treating you, and to ask plenty of questions about his or her experience level prior to treatments.

Vaginal rejuvenation can help women to feel more comfortable in their own skin, more capable of controlling their own body image, and can help them to achieve an overall healthier frame of mind. This is all of course relevant if the motives behind vaginal rejuvenation are genuinely beneficial for the patient. Before any such procedure, it is very important to understand why you are undergoing such a procedure, your motives, and the outcome you are expecting. It is a good idea to make sure that you have realistic expectations regarding the procedure, being aware that a 100% dramatic change may not be possible.

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