Everything You Need To Know About Hemp Tea

Considering the fact that tea has been around since 2700 BC, it belongs to one of the oldest beverages with over 1000 different varieties. It is the second most popular drink in the world, only outranked by water. No wonder then, that the global tea revenue was around USD 214.76 billion in 2019. Over 159 million US citizens drink tea every single day. So, it is not a surprise that even hemp tea is gaining quick popularity considering its medicinal benefits.

People have been using hemp tea as a beverage long before the legalization of cannabis products began. Cannabidiol or CBD has gained a lot of attention in recent years especially due to the recent studies that showed positive signs of therapeutic benefits associated with it.

There are two main types of cannabinoid receptors in our body. THC or tetrahydrocannabinol binds with the receptors that are mostly present in our brain. It causes the high that cannabis is associated with. However, CBD, unlike its counterpart, doesn’t produce that high as it is thought to work with a different set of receptors in our body that are mostly associated with feelings of relaxation and well-being. That’s why hemp, having more CBD and very few THC compounds within its chemical properties, is known to produce a calming effect, reduce anxiety, and relieve pain – the kind of health benefits CBD is commonly related to.

What are the ingredients found in Hemp tea?

The most important component of hemp is CBD extract. There are primarily two different types of extracted CBD – full spectrum extract and 99% pure CBD concentrate. Which one is better for consumption is still a matter of debate and something that needs solid evidence that is yet to be found. However, there are some talks about CBD becoming a better version when it comes to its medicinal properties because of all the other elements present in the whole plant including cannabinoids, terpenes (aroma and flavor agents), and phytochemicals. Below are the three things that consumers should consider while purchasing a pack of hemp tea:

  • Is it from industrial hemp sourcing?
  • Is the extracted CBD is a full-spectrum (one with the whole plant)?
  • Is the initial dosage level 5-15 mg?

The production and sale of hemp products were legalized in the 2018 Farm Bill. By federal law, hemp can’t have more than 0.3% THC or it would be considered marijuana. This ensures that Hemp tea would actually be safe for regular drinking purposes. However, it is always good to keep an eye on how you feel after having a cup of hemp tea. If you see any signs of drowsiness, you may want to try brewing a milder tea using fewer leaves or stop using the product altogether if the signs persist.

What are the benefits?

Hemp tea, also commonly named CBD tea, is a mixture of crushed leaves, cannabis flowers, and seeds along with other essential herbs. Below are a few health benefits of it:

Helps Reduce Anxiety Issues:

In a 2019 study, researchers analyzed a sample population of 72 adults with concerns related to anxiety and poor sleep. The primary objective was to determine if CBD could improve the sleep and/or anxiety issues that they had. The anxiety score decreased in 57 patients within the first month and stayed less throughout the study period. Even the sleep scores improved in 48 patients within the first month but fluctuated over time. Although controlled clinical trials might be needed, the researchers concluded that CBD might be an effective treatment alternative for anxiety-related disorders.

So, a cup or two of hemp tea per day is not a bad option when it comes to calming effects. In addition to CBD, hemp tea can also contain herbs such as hibiscus and chamomile which assist in the overall relaxation of our body.

Improves the Quality of Sleep:

According to this Harvard Health article, people suffering from anxiety, depression, or other post-traumatic stress disorders take longer to fall asleep. One sleep laboratory study found that youngsters having anxiety disorder slept less deeply as compared to a control group of healthy children. As CBD is known to have therapeutic effects and act as a treatment for anxiety and stress-related problems, hemp tea can, therefore, act as a possible remedy for poor sleep as well.

Improves Digestive System and Fights Chronic Pain:

Gastrointestinal problems are one of the common reasons for the use of cannabis. A few of these conditions include inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, are found in the gut-nerves also called the enteric nervous system (ENS). Any disorder in the gut is thought to involve ENS and hence the cannabinoid receptors are an attractive target for treatment. As THC and CBD can interact with these receptors, medical treatment with cannabis can be an effective alternative. Hence, a cup of CBD tea may help in keeping our guts happy!

When it comes to chronic pain, a study in the Journal of Experimental Medicine suggests that CBD can help in reducing pain and inflammation. It also reduces muscle spasms or stiffness that might lead to pain. Check out the testimonials of some patients who used medical cannabis as a treatment for chronic pain.

Although CBD is known to have several other health benefits, additional research is needed to give concrete evidence on these claims.

You may also read:Is CBD oil the cure for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

How to Make Hemp Tea

If you are already a regular tea drinker, making hemp tea would need just a couple of extra steps, and you are done. Here is a simple way of making CBD tea:

  1. Grind the CBD buds into a fine consistency and add to any tea infuser of your choice.
  2. Depending on how much CBD buds you’re using, I would say for safe results use 1 liter of water and bring it to boil.
  3. Add the infuser into the pan of water and let it simmer for up to 20 minutes.
  4. Remove the infuser using a filter and pour the content into a storage container.
  5. As cannabinoids are fat-soluble, it is better if you use an additional fatty source such as coconut oil or milk before drinking as it increases absorption rates and helps us harness everything it has to provide us with.
  6. Mix thoroughly before pouring into a cup, and you’re ready with a healthy hemp tea.


As the awareness of the health benefits of CBD grows, the use of hemp tea will continue to increase. The continued legalization of medical marijuana products in several states in the US will also assist in the marketing of hemp tea products. Currently, all operations happen within the states due to legal restrictions which increases the overall price of the products. But in the coming years, as things change, hemp tea will be more accessible and affordable to regular consumers.

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