The Advantages Of Using Steam Mops For Household Cleaning

By Eva Dinamaka

Steam mops are a great alternative to the mops your mother may have used for cleaning. With a steam mop the need for a separate mop and water bucket is eliminated. Steam mops are highly effective at removing germs, dirt, and scuffs from hard surfaced floors without leaving behind chemical residues.

Steam mops have an unlimited list of advantages over standard water and bucket mops. Steam mops are gentle enough to use on all hardwood floor types; marble, hardwood floor, and even laminate flooring. Since a steam mop is designed to dry floors quicker, there is no need to worry about the water getting into the hard floors’ surfaces and ruining them. Steam mops come with their own self containing water bucket that is built in. No longer do you need to lug around a mop and a heavy bucket of water.

With standard mops if you have floors that are not suitable to be cleaned with large amounts of water or chemicals unless you follow behind the mop with a towel, you are at risk of ruining your floor. A steam mop allows the water to evaporate as soon as it hits the floor, meaning that you no longer have to be on your hands and knees drying the floor. Another advantage of the steam mop is its patented steam cleaning design. Since the mop uses steam to clean the surface of the floor, there is no need for additional chemicals that are harsh to your floor.


It has been proven long ago that the old mop and bucket style of mopping is ineffective as a cleaning method. After you have to put the mop back in the bucket the first time to rewet it, the water is no longer clean. You continue to rewet the mop and clean the floor using dirty mop water. If you have small children and pets, you are exposing them to dirty chemical water. Steam mops use a much cleaner method to scrub the floor. There is no rewetting of the mop and sticking it back into to dirty water full of chemicals and germs. Steam mops can heat the water it their tanks up to an amazing 130 degrees Celsius. Heating the water to such a high degree, enables the mop to kill bacteria and germs while it cleans, leaving a clean floor for your pets and children. Along with bacteria and germs, steam mops can kill and prevent the future growth of molds and mildew. Steam mops are also used by people with allergies to destroy and prevent dust mites and other potential allergens.

Steam mops are also easier for people that have health problems that prohibit them from standing up. A normal mop is hard to handle and maneuver from a sitting position. Most steam mops have adjustable handles and also with a steam mop you don’t have to worry about the bucket of water. The steam mops are equipped with triggers to be pulled to release the water. The steam also can go right up against the base boards- a place that other mops tend to miss.

There is nothing more time consuming than mopping an entire floor for a little spill. With an old fashion mop you have to mop the entire floor to make it appear streak free; however, with a steam mop the water dries on contact. Since the spill is being steam cleaned there is no reason to mop the entire floor.

The best thing about steam mops is the fact that you can eliminate harmful chemicals that you used to use when you cleaned your floors. Cleansers may contain ingredients from bleach to large doses of ethanol. Side effects can vary from nausea and vomiting to chemical pneumonia. Not only are chemicals harmful to your family but they are also bad on pets. If you are looking for a mop that takes most of the work out of mopping and is pet and child friendly, try a steam mop and prepare for a wonderful mopping experience.

About the Author: Eva is a cleaning professional and hardwood floor expert of 20 years. She has been on the forefront of the chemical free, green cleaning movement for 10 years, educating people one by one. For more information visit:


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