Financial Trends Changing What Else?

Financial Trends ChangingWhat Else? Have you notice how financial trends are changing? Interest rates are going up, economy is unstable, new housing is slowing down. This is not the only trend that I have noticed.

Back in the late 60’s and early 70’s America had a great drive to create entrepreneurs. People woke up, saw a big picture, a glimpse of financial freedom and took the chance when opportunity knocked. They were not trapped by the corporate world. They focused on financial abundance, not a pension plan. Dreams, goals, visions were born, properly fueled and monumental business, buildings, automobiles, inventions and gadgets were alive and kicking. Back then, we had no idea what a 401K was. Heck, for all we knew, that was the time that someone had the idea of a 401K.

What do we have now? A mess as I see it! Look at all the people crowding the highways, freeways, streets and public transportation rushing to their all-important job. Have you ever noticed the look on peoples face as they get off the 6pm. train from downtown? How about the people who get off the 8 or 9 pm. train? Wow, they look happy. And think, they get to do it all over again tomorrow! How exciting!


What happened to the financial dreams of yours? This is very simple and can be summed up in one word. Comfort! Yes, I said comfort. Along came Corporate America, tens of thousands of people owning faceless organizations, creating jobs. They were so good at creating jobs as a matter of fact, they created jobs for jobs. The thought process was simple, why chance anything when I can go to work for X Corporation, get paid a salary, get a pension, get a 401K, get insurance and in some cases, a company car. I always have and always will view being comfortable as stagnation. Think about that for a minute, especially top sales people. What happened when you were on top of your game and you became comfortable? You see I am correct. If you’re honest, you slide down the pole. You were no longer the top sales person; you were the old man everyone laughed at. All of a sudden you had to work twice as hard to make sales instead of keeping the pace you had going with some effort.

What no one knew, was the dark secrete. As these companies grew and money was flowing they were really out of control. Financial control to be more exact. While these companies were spinning out of control, they had the bright idea to hire financial advisors to find the leak and fix it. A few methods were utilized to solve the problem. Some companies merged, some closed, some moved off shore, some did cut backs and some, like Enron, used creative, illegal was to survive.

The truth is, Corporate America, as dwindling as it is, is all about the bottom dollar. As people traded in their dreams of financial freedom, million dollar houses, fancy cars that they could actually own, not finance, Corporate America was still in its growing stage, not fully seasoned. Now, companies are indeed cutting back, eliminating all excess baggage. How many of you know someone whose company has cut back or eliminated the pension plan. It was a great concept on paper, but companies probably did not count on the baby boomers all collecting their pension at the same time. Nor did they consider corrupt accounting, bad investments, etc. The fund is empty, it can’t pay. Interesting, indeed. I don’t even want to depress you further and discuss the long-term retirement plan called 401K. Again, great on paper until your portfolio crashes and you now have nothing.. “Hello Wal Mart, can I be a greeter, I know I can do it as I was once a CEO of a major corporation. ”

Now the trend is changing. Have you noticed the surge toward home-based businesses? I have, and the truth is, it all makes sense. If you’re working over 40 hours a week, no doubt you are making your boss look good and the company money. But, what are you gaining from it? A pat on the back with one hand and a new project placed in the other hand. When you go to work, are your spouse and children still sleeping, and are that the same picture when you get home. Sad, but true for most of you. Do you realize that there are many legitimate, home-based businesses that offer financial freedom? Think about this, if you found the right income opportunity, made a small financial investment, put half of the energy that you put towards your job in terms of preparation to go to work, work and managing your jobs stress after too long of a day at the office, do you think you could have success? I do, especially if you have ample training, one on one coaching and a true desire to achieve financial freedom.

My humble advise: Catch the wave for this decade and stop fooling yourself with JOB security. You deserve more and can achieve more than Corporate America is offering. Do some home work and look into a career at home, you may be surprised!

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