A New Way For Non Profits To Raise Money

By Steve Patzkowski

If you are involved with a non-profit organization, you know all too well the second most important thing you do is raise money. The reality is you cannot do what you do without money.

There are over 1.5 million non-profits in the United States, with new organizations being formed every day. There is a finite number of dollars that will be donated every year to the non-profit sector, each of those 1.5 million organizations is out there positioning themselves and marketing for their slice of that pie. Sounds like a tough gig, but what if there was another pie that nobody was looking at, wouldn’t it be easier to go get a slice of that pie without all the competition?

It turns out there is another donation pie out there, it was created by Fees To Funds. The Fees To Funds program http://FeesToFunds.com was developed to help non-profits raise money in a very unique way – thorough merchant account credit card processing. Most non-profits these days have a merchant account so they can accept credit card payments for donations. When a non-profit (or for profit business) accepts credit cards for payments, they pay fees for the acceptance services to Visa and Master Card, and the processing companies that manage these merchant accounts. When non-profits sign up with the Fees To Funds program, they still pay those fees, but Fees To Funds offers them a lower rate structure – so they save money on those fees – then they donate 25% of their gross revenue from those fees right back to the non-profit. Sounds great, but it gets even better…

Every non-profit out there has a supported base, quite often, many of the supporters for a given non-profit are business owners. What Fees To Funds provides is an opportunity for the non-profit to partner with them in a fundraising campaign to introduce the Fees To Funds program to their business owner supporters; they offer the business owners the same deal, Fees To Funds lowers their merchant account fees so they save money and then donates 25% of their gross revenue from all of the business owners merchant account fees back to the non-profit. The program allows the business owner to increase their charitable giving without spending a penny. It creates a brand new, monthly residual income stream for the non-profit at no load to the business owners; in fact, they actually save money in the process.

The business owner saves money on a necessary expense and increases their financial support to their favorite non-profit at the same time, and, the non-profit gets a brand new residual income stream – everybody wins.


Advantages of the Fees To Funds Program:

— Converts a portion of an existing expense into donation revenue

— No ongoing fundraising activities

— Creates a passive residual income stream for the non-profit that continues for years

— Simple and painless to implement

An extra bonus to the funds raised through the Fees To Funds program is that these funds are unrestricted – the best kind of money a non-profit can receive. Many of the grants and donations non-profits receive are restricted to very specific projects or uses, in contrast, the funds generated by Fees To Funds go into the non-profits general fund and can be used for any purpose.

This is free money out there just waiting to be collected every month, what non-profit would like that? If you are a non-profit, or a business owner passionate about supporting a non-profit, you should check out the Fees To Funds credit card processing donation program.

Steve Patzkowski


Fees To Funds


About the Author:

Fees To Funds ~ Turning Credit Card Processing Fees into Cash Donations for Non Profits. The Fees To Funds program directly supports a wide variety of non-profit and charitable organizations by returning a portion of the credit card processing fees paid by the non-profit organization and their merchant supporters back to them in the form of cash contributions on a monthly ongoing basis.

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Steve Patzkowski



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