Expert Advise About Commercial Litigation Financing Commercial Lawsuit Funding

By Pal Sherman

Commercial litigation funding is the non-recourse cash advance provided to plaintiff companies involved in business litigations. The pre-settlement financing is provided to bring down the monetary burdens of the contending plaintiff companies. Commercial litigations are on a constant rise and the monetary obligations that it may bring upon the contending party may be huge.

How Commercial Litigation Funding Helps the Plaintiff Companies:

Commercial lawsuit funding facilitates a large amount of non-recourse cash advance to those who are in dire need of cash while waiting for their business litigation to settle. Using this facility and by leveraging the unique financial strength of commercial litigation funding, plaintiff company increases its prospects for a favorable outcome. An advance on pending settlement also allows attorney the time needed to get the full value for the case and the time period to negotiate a better settlement deal.

Commercial Litigation Funding has Following Features:

1. Non-Recourse: It is non-recourse. It is paid back only if the plaintiff wins the case at trial or reaches an out-of-court settlement with the defendant. If plaintiff is unsuccessful in getting the claim, the borrowed amount is never paid back.


2. No Monthly Payments: Once plaintiffs are approved and funded, they pay back directly from the proceeds of their successful settlement.

3. No Personal Guarantee: Unlike conventional loans that almost always require the personal guarantee of the business owners, commercial lawsuit funding is a non-recourse investment, secured by the prospective proceeds of pending claim and not the cash-flow of their business or their personal assets.

4. Off-Balance Sheet: Financing provided by is off-balance sheet and non-recourse. It allows businesses to prevent and protect from litigation risks. In addition, financing may be used to supplement working capital and to remove liabilities from balance sheet of the business.

5. Unrestricted and Unlimited Use: Cash obtained from commercial litigation financing can be used to pay down debt and invest to maintain or help in business expansion. Company can use the cash advance for fixed and variable costs such as payroll and operating expenses. Funds can also be used to invest in the expansion of their business, which maintains the confidence of creditors, investors, and employees.

Business lawsuits are, in general, one of the long and expensive legal processes that take out several years together for a settlement to occur. Many people find arranging for funds quite difficult when a particular lawsuit is going on in the court of law.

A commercial lawsuit funding offers a financial support to plaintiffs when they need it most. Their attorney provides the legal help and the financial support provided by commercial lawsuit funding can create a win – win situation for the client. In this win-win scenario, financial help provided by lawsuit funding will allow the plaintiff business to take care of pressing financial needs and wait for a just and equitable settlement. In the final analysis, they net more from a settlement than would have been possible without the commercial lawsuit funding.

Introduction of the commercial litigation financing service has come in for greater appreciation from all corners of business world. Commercial lawsuit funding helps to fulfill the monetary obligation that a business gets to meet when facing a commercial lawsuit and it is a solution in the form of legal financing facility. Best part is that being non-recourse it is risk-free and one can pay back upon settlement completion or after winning over the trial.

What Types of Cases Qualify for Commercial Litigation Financing?

There are variety of cases that can qualify for commercial lawsuit loan, these include, but are not limited to: Contract Disputes, Trademark and Copyright Infringement, Fraud, Industrial Products Liability, Construction Disputes, Intellectual Property, Shareholder Suits, Securities and Investment Fraud, Banking and Insurance Disputes, ERISA, Professional Negligence and more.

Golden Nugget:

It is a well-known fact that commercial legal processes will drag for several years and it serves best to settle the case at the earliest. An organized pre-settlement funding from a well-funded legal financing company aids one in getting immediate cash and the time period to negotiate a better settlement deal. Commercial lawsuit funding allows these firms to leverage the expected settlement from their case to obtain the capital they need now. A commercial lawsuit loan helps the plaintiff company regain their financial freedom.

About the Author: Pal Sherman, The Lawsuit Money Man, is a Legal Funding Consultant. Visit our website

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