Philippine Modern Society And Mindanao Rebels

Philippine Modern society And Mindanao Rebels


Ernest Wiggins

US presence in Southeast Asia is ramping up. US Congressman Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, part of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the US House of Representatives, has called a hearing before Congress to bring attention to US relations in the area, especially the Philippines.

Another California Congressman, Dana Rohrabacher, has said:

We got Bin Laden, didn t we?



If we\’re going to get out of Iraq, the sooner the better. I don\’t understand some of my GOP colleagues & Presidential candidates.

Rohrabacher is a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation. He knows what s going on in the world.

Rohrabacher seemingly implies the war in Afghanistan is over. However, local cells of al Qaeda are active in the Philippines, under the Abu Sayaf label. Rohrabacher should know what s going on in the Philippines, he is Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee, and US foreign affairs are very concerned with what goes on in the Philippines, the oldest US ally in Asia. Do we see a shift in US interest, and combat capabilities, from the Middle East to Asia? You bet! Other than oil, whatever happens in the Middle East doesn t matter. Afghanistan has no meaning to the world or to the United States. China matters in the rise of real global influence.

Does the United States perceive accurately terrorism threats in the countries bounding the South China Sea, especially as China extends it influence? Are other outside forces like al Qaeda influencing the regions stability? Tom Anthony s book, Rebels of Mindanao, gives us an idea of what to expect.

The Chief of US Naval Operations recently reported that the US has already deployed significant new assets to its bases in Singapore, Japan and Australia. Carriers are on the move today. Where will they be based?

Admiral Nimitz, when Chief of Naval Operations, wrote that Technology in warfare, as in all else, has simplified some details but has greatly complicated the aggregate. In Rebels of Mindanao , Anthony describes a sophisticated GPS technology that illustrates this point, updated to the war on terror. An iPod is modified to include GPS so precise as to track footsteps, and the integrating accelerometer feature also each footstep top be traced, even without satellite connection,

There are more changes on the horizon along the South China Sea and the changes will be as much cultural as they are technological. Rebels of Mindanao (available through Amazon) asks, What if?

mindanao rebellion

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