Spirituality Information When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 57 )

By John Harricharan

‘You say that You’re always with me and Your other children. Yet,I don’t always see You as I see You now. In fact,I had to travel through transfer points on earth to get here. Gideon told me that we’re somewhere on the third star of the Aldebaran System. Do You know how far I figure we must be from earth, Lord? Very,very far. If You are always with me, why do I have to travel so far to see You. How can You hear when I call?’

‘Precisely the point I want to make clear, John. You didn’t have to go through transfer points or travel great distances to see me. You believed that was the only way to do it, so we accommodated your beliefs. As you believe, so it is. You’re on Aldebaran and you’re on earth. You’re everywhere and nowhere. Your essence and nature span the universe itself and, like Me, you can be everywhere and everywhen. Even when you seem to be ‘nowhere’ you are still ‘now-here.’


‘Beliefs are extremely important. You think that you believe what you see. In reality,you see what you believe. Instead of trying to ‘set’ things right, try to ‘see’ them right and they’ll automatically be set right. See your problems and challenges through Me instead of seeing Me through them.

‘You tend to think of yourselves as a people of beginnings and endings. And yet,there is neither. That which you love will continue forever just as surely as that which you hate. Do away with what you don’t want by ceasing to hate it. There is only one power and one force in the universe and I AM THAT.I created you in My image and likeness so YOU ARE THAT.

‘The power to heal and prosper you,to guide and help you isn’t in the skies.It is and always has been within you. I am within you. All you need to do is to become aware that I am there. There is mountain-moving power in each and every one of My children. You are a part of Me and,yet, at times, you think yourselves apart from Me. You are made as I am. That which I do,you can do also. You are all co-creators with Me.

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About the Author: Lecturer, entrepreneur and MBA business consultant, John Harricharan is the author of the award-winning book, “When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat.”

Spiritual SimplicityThe Real Secret



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