The Importance Of Flexibility Of Recognizing Management Styles In The Workplace

By Frances T. Russell

When managers know their own style and how others react to it, they are tremendously more likely to get the responses that they wish for and desire in their domains of responsibility, management and staff of their departments.

What are the basic categories of management styles?


Intuitive management styles are first in explanation . Executives who take style take a long range view , seek out relationships among disparate elements and believe indeed that disorder is not an anomaly in a workplace setting but often is to be expected indeed the rule. What are the advantages of this viewpoint of management – creativity and imagination of plans and efforts are the first that come to mind. Drawbacks include that often these types tend fantasize and even be considered n the ranges of being impractical as well as giving the appearance often to others in the office of being out of touch aloof and impersonal .

Next in line consider the intellectual sort. These managers exude nerves of steel and logic. Yet often the end results are anything but logical. Think of the Mr. Spock character of the original star trek series as an example. These managerial types avoid emotionalism, are orderly and have prudent work habits. However overall they tend to be skeptical of the ideas of others that can not be proved in dollars and cents and figures and overall as well are unable to generate enthusiasm and motivate other managerial staff and workers. On the other side of the fence or profit and loss statements of the companies books their style can be an overwhelming good stabilizing force, guarding against foolish or unpromising risks. Yet they are often seen in the field as indecisive , often overly cautious not able to make impromptu decisions on the fly and as well overall much too serious in nature to interact well with others. Mr. or Ms doom or gloom or show me I am from Missouri types.

Another all together different management style is what is often called or referred to as the sensory types or varieties. Managers with a sensory style and work on a wide variety and varied types of jobs and functions at any one time. Currently this is often called in the management scope multi-tasking. In some cases it is good to work on one thing at a time to fruition and eventual completion. In other tasks or fields being able to work on more than one project, task or situation at one time, to juggle these, is more preferential. Sensory specific management skill sets offer good close attention to detail are often abrupt and too busy to be neat. This in term drives more basic anal retentive types crazy and causes no end to friction to those who insist that there is only one way to do any task or function and that presentation is most imperative as well as essential. What are the pluses of these types pragmatism, being final results orientated and on top of that rarely if ever misled. Yet on the negative side of the equation sensory management types are unable to see on a long range term or terms, tend to nitpick, are often seen by both workers and other management or supervisory staff as impatient, lack overall and intrinsic trust in other resulting in poor delegation skills resulting in projects of tasks running far late in schedule. This is the ultimate lone wolf type of manager / worker who prefers to get the work done themselves rather than delegate to anyone else that might have other ideas of how the job, project or task should be completed.

What is the importance and significance of recognizing management skills? It can be best said that one size or style in management or supervisory skills and traits does not fit all. At different stages in a companys or organizations development, state or maturity they may well need different approaches and interactions to best serve the management or corporate situation or structure. One size does not fit all.

About the Author: Frances T. Russel

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