Ways On How To Increase Your Mind Power

Ways on How to increase your Mind power


mind power

What is mind power? Mind power is about getting the most out of the amazing mind you have. Mind power is about having the creativity to imagine solutions to problems instead of being overwhelmed by them. Mind power is having the intuition to know which solutions will help you. Mind power is about being able to see your life as an observer to help you identify when you are not living on purpose. Mind power is about developing the discipline to remain focused on achieving your goals and changing your life. Mind power is about realizing you have unlimited potential.

Your Brain is an Association Machine

Your brain operates by forming associations. You form thoughts, ideas and memories by making connections between neurons in the brain. A neuron is a brain cell that is capable of affecting other brain cells using electrical and chemical processes. Signalling between brain cells takes place over synapses. A human brain has one hundred billion neurons. That s 100,000,000,000. Each neuron can have 10,000 synapses that allow that neuron to connect and communicate with other neurons. Estimates for the number of synapses in an adult human brain vary but could be as high as half a quadrillion.


Your brain is a very powerful machine with a lot of potential. You have a choice to make. Do you want to tap into this power and develop your mind so you can reach your potential? Your mind is not something you were given and remains static. Your brain is constantly changing and evolving. You can control how you want your mind to develop. You can increase your intelligence so you will have both a higher IQ (intelligence quotient) and EQ (emotional quotient). You can increase you creativity so you can conceive any solution outside of any paradigm. You can increase your mind power.

Disciplines Alter the State of the Mind

There are many disciplines that can alter the state of the mind, allowing you to access increased perception and intelligence. Examples of brain training include focus type disciplines such as meditation and yoga. Brain training can include association games to help practice making connections between seemingly unrelated things to improve your ability to form connections between your neurons.Practices such as candle focus, deep breathing mediation, body scans, trance through repetition, and focus walking will help calm and focus the mind. Because there are so many options, it is helpful to discuss which practices may be most suitable for you with a life coach. Once you have developed your mind power, you will notice improvements in all aspects of your life.

The MindPower Life Coach System

A MindPower life coach can use a 7-Step Life Coaching Program to help you reach your life goals. This program includes techniques to increase your mind power so you can make better decisions, find better solutions, and live an empowered life. You will find that the mind power techniques you use can be applied not only to the problems you discuss during your life coaching sessions but to all aspects of your life for the rest of your life.

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